Neighbourhood Youth Parliament

Neighbourhood Youth Parliament was organized by the college under the sponsorship of Nehru Yuva Kendra Sangathan Wokha, Nagaland on 15 Feb. 2022 at the college conference hall. Assistant Professors Myingthunglo Murry, Dept. of History, Azhanuo Peki, Dept. of Education, and Dr. Roland K. Kikon, Dept. of Economics were the speakers for the programme. Chaired by Dr. N. Renthungo Patton from the Dept. of Economics, three sessions were held and the topics of discussion were-

  1. SANKALP: Skills Acquisition and Knowledge Awareness for Livelihood Promotion
  2. National Education Policy
  3. Entrepreneurship (PMEGP, MUDA)

The moderators for this event were Mhalevolie Solo, Head of Dept. (Political Science) and Manoj Kumar J., Assistant Professor from Dept. of English, Mount Tiyi College. Apart from students and faculty of Mount Tiyi College, the programme was also attended by the State Director of Nehru Yuva Kendra Sangathan Nagaland, Shri. John Makhabo and the volunteers of NYKS, Wokha. Shri. Makhabo introduced the NYKS to the participants highlighting the various activities of the body throughout the state and also spoke on the objectives and importance of organizing such events in educational institutions. A total of 184 students attended the Neighbourhood Youth Parliament and all the students were given a daily allowance of Rs. 200 for attending the same. The daily allowance for the students was sponsored by NYKS.