Orientation programme on Red Cross Society

On Dated 03 November 2023 at 12 noon an Orientation programme on Red Cross Society was organised by the Red Cross Society, Mount Tiyi College to orient the members about the core values, objectives and governing principles of the Red Cross to the members. The resource person of the Programme was Dr. K. Z. Ovung, Secretary, of the Red Cross Society, Wokha District who spoke on the history of the foundation of the World Red Cross (1863), the Indian Red Cross (1920), and the establishment of Nagaland Red Cross and Wokha district (1982). The Resource person highlighted the Seven Principles through which the Red Cross Functions worldwide viz., Humanity, Impartiality, Neutrality, Independence, Voluntary service, Unity and Universality and encouraged the members present to initiate humanitarian activities to minimise human suffering.
The chairlady of the programme was Marina A. Kikon, Zuchano Murry invoked the programme with God’s presence, and the Vice principal of the college, Sentimenla Jamir delivered the welcome address. The officer in charge of Red Cross Mount Tiyi College thanked the congregation for their effort in making the programme a grand success and called the members to join hands in contributing to a more congenial climate for Peace by serving humanity. The programme ended with a benediction pronounced by Woronthung T Odyuo.